Saturday, November 28, 2015

Using the rhetorical pattern of compare/contrast

Closing Thoughts: 

Attendance Sheet 

1- Make sure to submit your extra credit folder (if you have not done so already).
2- Upload project 1 and project 2 to your e-portfolio

3- Film (answer questions/discuss)   


4- Life in 10 Years Power Point Presentation

 Questions from the film: 

1. What is happening? (Provide a summary and some "context" about the film).
2. Consider a quote that you like and be willing to share it.
3. Who is your favorite character? Why?
4. Who is your least favorite character? Why? (Can you at least feel a bit of sympathy for how/why they got in the situation or see things from their own perspective?)
5. What is the main event that changes everything for your character?
6. Compare/contrast how life was before the event and after the event.
7. Write a short reflection  (Which character in the film do you identify with best? Compare/contrast an event from your life that was hard for others to understand and tell how you got through it).

Final Assignment:
Get started by brainstorming ideas: 

Make a Venn Diagram. Brainstorm the main points how your life is now compared with how you want your life to be in ten years.

Next, you will use the outline below to create a power point presentation. 

I.                 Introduction
a.      Plan to Hook your reader (e.g. use a quote)
b.      Thesis Statement (see the template below for help)  
II.               BODY
a.      Provide some background/context about your goals/life
1.      ________________
b.      Describe at least 3 goals or decisions about your life now before fulfillment of these goals/decisions.
1.      ________________
2.      ________________
3.      ________________
c.      Compare/Contrast how your life will be different after you have reached your 3 goals/decisions.
1.      _________________
2.      _________________
3.      _________________
III.              Conclusion
a.      Revisit your quote and respond on a deeper level connecting the connect from your essay.

Example Thesis Template:

My life after _________ will offer more possibilities [ANSWER] than my current life now as a _________ [CONTEXT], which may be illustrated in __________________[SUPPORTING POINTS/areas changed].

*Note: This is just an example to get you started. Please feel free to adapt or expand, as needed.

Quotes by Louis Zamperini:

Links for quotes about accomplishing your goals:

Other Rhetorical Patterns:


Saturday, October 24, 2015

October 24 Class Activities

Activity #1 Instructions
Identifying Figurative Language and Imagery in Descriptive Writing: 
First: First, provide a definition of the term you have been assigned (e.g. simile) using the “American Rhetoric” Website.

Next, you will work with your group to find at least 2-3 or more uses of figurative language (e.g. simile, metaphor, personification) and/or Imagery in a poem or song/video. Make sure to include a link to your poem or song/video and also provide an example using the actual lines from the poem or song.
Additionally, explain how the use of figurative language provides a deeper experience for the audience (reader/listener). How does this SHOW not tell the reader what to think and feel? Why do you like or connect with the examples that you have provided? What meaning, message, or theme is the author trying to convey?

After the discussion: Consider the examples provided by peers. Does their example make you feel the same way? Do you agree about the meaning, message, or theme identified? Describe your experience and connections to the poems/songs because of the uses of figurative language and/or imagery.

Additional Resources/Help Understanding the Terms that we Discussed in Class: 
Figurative Language Rap:
More on Figurative Language:

Activity #2 Instructions

First, consider a video game with a storyline (narrative). 

Some options include, but are not limited to:
Call of Duty
Final Fantasy
Resident Evil
Dark Souls
Bio shock Infinite
The Last of Us
Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor
The Walking Dead

Next, you will create a power point with the following elements: 

1.      Describe the Setting of the Video Game Story
2.      Provide a description of the Story (use details, imagery, & at least 2 or more examples of figurative language).
3.      Write a description of your favorite character in the story. Are they the hero or villain? The protagonist or the antagonist? Why do you like/admire them?
4.      Narrate a scene or imagined scene from the video game. You must use dialogue. Make sure that this scene tells a point or lesson learned for your favorite character. 
5.      Reflect on how narration is used in the video games that you play. 

You must also create some type of flyer or brochure highlighting your character. Make sure to include thoughtful media and visual elements in your presentation.